Darlington Green Party offer solidarity to CEPAC workers.

Dear CEPAC Workers,
Darlington Green Party believes that working people should receive a decent, living
wage and be entitled to a sufficient level of economic security to meet their needs.
Every worker should have the right to fair income security. This is a particularly
important issue facing local people at the moment due to rising rents and energy bills.
We support the right of working people to form and join democratic and self-governing
trade unions, without restriction by employer or government. The Green Party share the
unions’ belief in working together to give individuals more say in their own lives.
We understand that CEPAC Ltd has failed to enter into meaningful negotiations with you
and is considering dismissing staff who are on strike. We support your strike action and
urge CEPAC to reconsider their actions.
In solidarity,
Martin Wood
Joint- Coordinator,
Darlington Green Party
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