The next general election will take place next year and Matthew will be standing as our Green Party candidate.
Matthew said: “We’re facing a double crisis in our country, for our climate and for our democracy, but the Greens have the ideas and the political energy to push for progressive solutions. I’m both hopeful and proud to have been chosen to fight this election for the Green Party. We speak with one voice in saying ‘Yes’ to fairness and ‘No’ to climate chaos.”
Even though we don’t know exactly when the election will be, we will be starting to prepare soon. Our election campaign will not be as intensive as it was in this year’s local elections but it will cover the whole constituency, not just a small number of wards.
In the meantime, we will continue supporting our councillors to represent their wards and carry out their council duties, but general election work will be going on behind the scenes. If any member wants to get more involved in the preparations, and in the campaign, we’d love to have you. Coming along to our local party meetings to find out more details.
We also need to increase funding to cover election expenses, please consider setting up a recurring donation to Darlington Green Party if you haven’t already (details below).
Matthew’s candidacy announcement had good coverage in the Northern Echo.
Nominations are also being sought for candidates to stand in the Tees Valley Mayoral election which will be held in May next year. The deposit for these elections is £5,000 so the Tees Valley parties may decide to not go ahead if enough money is not raised.